
Okay, first off, I went to the doctor and there’s nothing horribly wrong with me. Phew! I don’t have diabetes and my thyroid is fine, everything looks fine except my hormones are off. Oh, and I could use a bit more iron. So, now I need to make an appointment for an ultrasound. Thankfully it isn’t an internal one! I was scared of that! I mean, I was going to do it regardless, but I was terrified. It’s a major relief to know that I’m okay and that I only need one more thing before I can get something to help.

They’re checking me for cysts on my ovaries. My mom thinks I have PCOS and it seems like I might have it. I heard you only need two things out of three to get diagnosed. The doctor never said I have it, she wants to see if I have cysts first, but I do have irregular periods and excess testosterone so… I don’t know. Either way, she said she’s going to get me on either the pill or some other hormone pill and if it doesn’t help me, she wants me to go to a gynecologist. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that! 😮

Anyway, I will update when I’ve gotten my ultrasound and seen the doctor.


In other news, I finally moved in with my dad! Woo!! I’m on day three so far and it’s been good! I was a bit homesick the first night, but I think it was mostly stress because my sister was over and things got a bit upsetting. They were all right after a while, but honestly, I was relieved when she went home that night. 😦

Here's me, snuggled up in my new bed watching Batman.

Here’s me, snuggled up in my new bed watching Batman.

Me and dad watched a movie the first night and it was awesome!! We went down to the lake for my ballet class Monday night and then we walked home together, On the way home we stopped at Dollarama and it was hilarious because we both forgot what we were there for in the first place!! Luckily, dad remembered eventually and we got some cool stuff. Then we watched another movie. 😉

It’s nice living here. I haven’t stayed over at my dad’s place in a looong time. I’m looking forward to it all! I love hanging out with him, and I love walking home from ballet with him. ❤ We’re going to walk home all the time now and maybe even walk there, too. The only reason we didn’t last night was because we were a bit late in leaving and it was raining and windy as hell. My umbrella went inside out twice before I decided to just use my hood LOL!

Oh yeah, and I’m teaching my dad how to use the computer. I gave him his own account and everything! He sent his first email from the computer yesterday! We should all be proud.

I moved in with my dad you guys!!! Are you as excited as I am?

Goodbye, old bedroom!  Has it ever been so clean?

Goodbye, old bedroom! Has it ever been so clean?


I went to my second ballet class last night. 🙂 It was great! Since we had two weeks away, we did basically the same class as last time, plus we learned how to say thanks in ballet! (Hint:it’s kinda hard to balance!) I can’t wait for every other class. I hope I have better posture by the end. :/ Oh, and I am having a bit of trouble counting to the music, I’ve never done that before, but I think I was slightly better than last time? Maybe?


I feel really guilty for the thoughts I have about my sister.

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